Properties Surgical Dressing is a paste of creamy consistency to be
used for treating post-operative dental pains and to combat alveolar
infection. The dressing provides almost instant pain relief. Its action is
long-lasting as the paste is completely absorbed by the tissues.
– Post-operative pain following tooth extraction and all other dentosurgical operations
– Relief of pain in gingival tissues and during the treament of periodontal packets
– Dry, exposed or denuded alveolar sockets
– Lacerated or traumatized tissues as well as similar wounds where
dental pain and infections are to be feared.
Guaiacol 12.2%, Benzocaine 8.2%, Chlorobutanol 5.1%,
Menthol 5%, Thymol Iodide 4.1%, Methyl Salicylate 1.8%, excipient ad 100%