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GC Ortho Connect

GC Ortho Connect-0

GC Ortho Connect


Light-cured Orthodontic Adhesive

SKU: 17100010 Category:

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Light-cured Orthodontic Adhesive

Launched in August 2013 in Japan under the name Universal Bond, GC has decided through GC Orthodontics, to launch on the European Orthodontic market GC Ortho Connect, a new orthodontic light-cured adhesive for brackets and bondable buccal tubes.

1 One step system

No need to apply primer or adhesive on the tooth, as it is already incorporated into the paste.

A simple etching of the enamel followed by drying is enough to prepare the bracket or buccal tube for bonding.


Clean tooth surfaces with pumice and water. Rinse thoroughly with water and dry.


Etch the tooth surfaces with GC Ortho Etching Gel for 30 sec., rinse and dry. Porcelain-, metal-, composite-restored teeth should be treated with the appropriate conditioner.


Coat the bonding surface of the bracket with GC Ortho Connect paste.


Remove the excess adhesive using an explorer or scaler.


Cure each bracket for 10 seconds mesially and distally with an LED curing light.  




2 Bond Strength and Flexibility


Excellent bond strength

Flexural strength: Fundamental to withstand and override mastication pressures.  Excellent Bond strength with good adhesive clean up on debonding.


Reduced bond failures

GC Ortho Connect has excellent shock absorbing properties. The low elasticity ensures that the material does not flex at the adhesive/base interface which would cause bond failure.

3 Safe bonding with:

– Metal brackets & bondable buccal tubes

– Ceramic brackets

– Plastic and Hybrid Brackets 



2 syringes of 2.9 g

4 dispensing tips

2 light protective covers