Spofa Dental Siloflex® Plus Catalyst
Paste catalyst
Paste catalyst for condensation curing silicone materials Siloflex® Plus Putty and Siloflex® Plus Light.
60 g of paste
Spofa Dental Siloflex® Plus Light
Condensation curing silicone impression material – low viscosity, Light bodied
Condensation curing silicone impression material with high tolerance (±40%) to the catalyst quantity, highly hydrophilic, thixotropic, with perfect detail reproduction and excellent volume stability.
200 g of paste
ر.ق72.00Add to cart
Spofa Dental Siloflex® Plus Putty
Condensation curing silicone impression material – very high viscosity, Putty
Condensation curing silicone impression material with high tolerance (±40%) to the catalyst quantity, perfect detail reproduction, excellent application properties, high recovery from deformation and excellent volume stability.
Spofa Dental Ypeen®
Alginate impression material
Ypeen is the oldest item of Spofa alginate materials. It has higher viscosity and it is used in dental surgeries and laboratories as universal impression material.
Sympress Auto Mixing Machine
The Renfert SYMPRESS Impression Mixing Machine is designed solely for the extrusion of 2-component precision impression materials.
Woodpecker Apex Locator – Woodpex III Gold
The Woodpex III Gold Standard from Woodpecker is a highly efficient apex locator that aids the dentist in accurately determining the working length to carry out endodontic treatment.
WorkNC Dental Dedicated Xpert 5 Axis Soft Material
WorkNC Dental Dedicated Xpert 5 Axis Soft Material